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Happy Kids with Books

Kids Solutions Member

Ballet (Samata) Yukako

Licensed Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, US Licensed Counselor

After graduating from university with a major in psychology, moved to the United States.

Received a master's degree in school counseling from a US state graduate school.

After returning to Japan, I worked at an international school and a child consultation center, and realized the necessity of mental health for working adults for the future of children. After that, while gaining experience as an EAP (employee assistance program) mental health consultant at companies and clinics all over the country, continued school counseling and counseling at children's homes.


After giving birth to her first child, she became a freelance clinical psychologist. In 2013, we launched "Kids Solutions", a "solution-oriented" approach that focuses on solutions and strengths rather than problems, reducing the stress of adults involved in children and developing their strengths so that both adults and children can shine lively. We are working as a mission to support.

Currently a children's garden/While working as a counselor at a nursery school/elementary and junior high school, she spreads solutions-oriented programs called "Enjoy Individual Raising!"

As a mother of 3 children, I am struggling every day to raise my children.

Kiyoshi Nagata

Nagata Clinic Psychiatrist


Nagata Clinic Psychiatrist

It is difficult to draw a line between “strict discipline” and “abuse”, “neglect due to busyness” and “neglect”. It is also difficult to determine whether the parents' "love and beliefs" are being swayed by cognitive biases (preconceptions) stemming from "anxiety and preconceptions."


But each person and family is different. There is more than one answer. If you don't rush and learn from scratch and assemble it, it's not a detour, it's a shortcut. First of all, let's get away from your own assumptions and have fun learning together how to get better.

Yuichi Takenouchi

Counselor Solution Land Organizer


長尾 真紀子

(株)マネジメイト 代表取締役/ (株)ナラティブベース 取締役 /

NPO東京学芸大こども未来研究所 教育支援フェロー

「ワーママTEC3 insight」

スクリーンショット 2024-06-03 12.44_edited.png






2023年よりXR技術開発アカデミー(unity開発)にて一連の仕組み・技術を学び、2024年よりワーママTEC3プラットフォーム事業をスタート。 事業構想大学院 東京12期在学。

Enjoy Individual Raising


From the Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute

Those who have been certified as official facilitators.


Giving hints on solution-oriented child-rearing and individual development

We hold workshops.


Junko Miki (Nara Prefecture)

Counselor Nara Heart Counseling Room

Qualification: Clinical psychologist


Kaoru Fujishima (Saitama Prefecture)

university teacher

General Incorporated Association Open Community Oideyo House Representative


Qualifications: Social worker, psychiatric social worker, care worker, evaluator

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Shikazu Iwao (Fukuoka)

General Incorporated Association Kotono Kakehashi Representative Director

Qualification: JCDA certified CDA (career counselor qualification)

Since 2004, he has been mainly involved in career support for young people.

I have been learning solution focus since 2007.

Triggered by the birth of a hearing-impaired daughter in 2014,Family reunion for children with hearing loss Sorairo,

General Incorporated Association Kotono Kakehashi, which raises awareness of hearing losswas established and acted as representative.

Enjoy Individual Raising and Kids Skills are also very suitable for raising children with hearing loss.

Nice to meet you!


Kazuyo Sonomura (Osaka Prefecture)

Osaka/Hyogo Kindergarten Counselor

Qualifications: Certified psychologist Clinical psychologist


​Makiyo Yasuda

4TuneShape Inc. Representative Director

Lecturer Consultant


Keiko Okada (Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture)

school counselor

Qualification: Licensed psychologist


Yasutaka Omori (Nara Prefecture)

elementary school teacher
Qualification: Licensed psychologist

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